Strides User Guide
A guide on how to use Strides Programs including Strides Course Design 2021 and Strides Lite as well as older versions of Strides including Strides Course Design, Strides Trainer and Strides Premium..
Course componentsVertical Oxer Triple Bar Liverpool Wall Start Line Finish Line Waterjump Shrub In and out gate Judges Box Pole Cavalletti Hidden jump Combination templates
| LiverpoolA liverpool is small water jump or water tray that goes under a vertical, oxer or triple bar. Liverpools by themselves cannot have any numbers as they - To add a new liverpool to the course, click on the button that a liverpool image on it.
- Move the mouse to the fence you wish to place it under but do not put under yet, as you will need turn it to the same angle as the fence and then click that spot.
- The fence will now be highlighted to a flouro-green colour. This means that that it can now be edited.
- Move the mouse to the position you wish to place it at and then click that spot.
- Use the turn buttons to turn it clockwise anti-clockwise or change direction until you get the liverpool to the same angle as the fence.
- Press the mouse down within the highlighted area of the liverpool and then drag it the fence.
- Click anywhere on the course but on the fence to un-highlight it.
- To edit this fence and liverpool click on them to highlight.
- Click on the required editing button or drag the fence to its new desired position.
- Click anywhere on the course but on the fence to un-highlight it.
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