
Strides Course Design promo

Strides User Guide

A guide on how to use Strides Programs including Strides Course Design 2021 and Strides Lite as well as older versions of Strides including Strides Course Design, Strides Trainer and Strides Premium..

Start a new course group

Start new show
Start new clinic
Start new Home Exercises
Start new template
Edit current project
Start new course from current show

Start new clinic

Start new clinic by using the New Course Wizard

  1. Click on New Event ButtonNew Event Button

  2. This should prompt the Create Course Wizard
    New course wizard, page one select course mode.

  3. Select the radio button Clinic and then click Next

  4. Page two select Create New Clinic and enter the name of the clinic.
    Note that the default name will be clinic1.

  5. Select Select Trainer and choose the trainer from drop down list.
    Alternatively, select Add New Person and enter the names of the course trainer. Click next to open Page 3

  6. Page 3, this page gives you a choice of starting with a previously designed template, a new course from an existing arena or a new course from a new arena.
    New course wizard page 2, enter course and arena details

  7. To select a existing course select Select Course.
    New course wizard page 2, enter course and arena details

  8. To have all the numbers cleared select Clear Numbers
    New course wizard page 2, enter course and arena details

  9. Page four, this page is where you enter the clinic name and the date of the course.

  10. If you are happy with details entered, click Finish. If not, you can click Back or Next to get to to the page you wish to make changes to.

  11. By clicking Finish the wizard is closed and the details about the new course are saved.

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